Luxury artistic foulard: Ruggiero Bignardi, painter and stylist
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Ruggiero Bignardi was born in 1971 in Salerno. He spent his childhood in his father’s house on the vast gulf of Salerno and in Paris, where he spent long summers with his grandparents.
During his adolescence, travel becomes the means to meet with different realities, an urging to look at the images that populate the world. His true interest is drawing, composite at first with figures immersed in the landscape, afterwards tenaciously oriented to the study of human shapes and, specifically, portrait.
He studied in Salerno at the Istituto Statale d’Arte where he actively followed classes in Portrait and Photography. He graduated in 1989.
The linguistic references to Impressionism such as faces, bodies and light movements by Degas inspire the artist to translate into present languages the dim lights of the Parisian contemporary places starting from 1998.
For this reason, Ruggiero Bignardi goes back to his beloved city, where he studies the masterpieces of Degas at the Musée d’Orsay.
His crayons become the result of a process. The dust of the crayons lays like time on bodies and faces and gives out the fact that they are just temporary matter. The white tones come up more frequently in his last works, in which the artist transcribes figures and scenes from the late Thirties, and are the expression of a melancholy that permeates his gaze.
According to the artist, “the crayon is one of the techniques that requires the most contact with matter and instrument: it almost seems like colour spontaneously flows from the fingers and gestures, that is, the fluid exercise of the soul that characterizes the painters of the post-WWII years. This results in a hand-matter relationship that can only be compared to the relationship between sculptor and clay, dancer and body, musician and notes.”
Ruggiero Bignardi was present in many exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
His most important awards are listed as follows:
• Winner of the 1st prize, PITTArt competition. Painting: “Il gatto pensante”, May 2013;
• Starting January 2014, Bignardi is present on the CATALOGO DI ARTE MODERNA GLI ARTISTI ITALIANI DAL PRIMO NOVECENTO AD OGGI – Numero 49 – Publisher: Giorgio Mondadori;
• Collective Exhibition – 1° Biennale D’arte Principato di Monaco, Hotel De Paris – Halls Bosio and Beaumarchais – February 27th – March 3rd, 2014 – Principality of Monaco;
• Biennale del pastello (April 26th to May 10th at the Salon International de Pastel Grand Sud 2014 – Mairie 11150 Villepinte – France (selected among the 40 best international pastellists);
• Collective Exhibition Sensorial Sensibilities July 5-25, 2014 at the Agora Gallery, 530 West 25th Street, New York, NY;
• 1st prize, Painting award at Arte Salerno 2016, for his “distinct artistic personality”. Members of the jury: art critic Anna Rita de Lucca and internationally renowned artists such as Ennio Calabria, art critic: prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.